And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in
— Isaiah 58:12

“In seeking to cast contempt upon the divine statutes, Satan has perverted the doctrines of the Bible, and errors have thus become incorporated into the faith of thousands who profess to believe the Scriptures. The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long standing controversy concerning the law of God.

Upon this battle we are now entering - a battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah, between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition.”

-The Great Controversy, E.G. White, p. 582, excerpts (emphasis supplied)

Who We Are 

This Movement is sponsored by Christian Biblical Calendar adherents who have studied and practiced the Holy Convocations of Leviticus 23 for more than 30 years based on the Millerites Movement and the Great Day of Atonement of October 22, 1844. The Bible, Astronomy, Chronology and History along with the Spirit of Prophecy and The Grace Amadon Collection have been our sources of inspiration and guidance.

Join Us

Help us Restore the True Biblical Calendar - Share this website with as many people as you can and on social media

Thank you for you support

Plan for 2020-2030 

  • Expand this Restoration Mighty Movement to make known the Creator’s Worship Time through His Calendar

  • Counteract the false Present Day Calendar Reform Movement by teaching the Creator's Calendar

  • Participate in our Symposium - Conference Calls – Workshops – Seminars

Contact us 

For a Schedule of Events or further information at:

We Believe

“All of this evidence needs to be re-examined in the light of this True Biblical Calendar Movement, for it is so bold, so utterly non-conventional, and so potentially upsetting, radically altering the central aspects of the Biblical, Astronomical, Chronological, Historical, Cultural, Economic and Political understanding of most people, it should not be ignored.

We intend through this movement to begin a most interesting debate and critical discussion of all relevant issues, for the last great conflict may have just begun.”

-True Biblical Calendar Movement

Educate, Educate, Educate

     Agitate, Agitate, Agitate